#Hot16Challenge2: Writing & singing a Polish Rap song
Sometime in 2020, while Covid virus was spreading worldwide, a social media challenge was spreading (or should I say re-spreading) throughout the Polish internet: The Hot16Challenge2. While writing this, I had thought I was confused about the 2, but in fact, according to this article, it was a revival of an earlier challenge from 6 years prior
This challenge saw people, famous and ordinary take part to write and sing a short rap song. While normal artists did take part, the most interesting were political figures such as Polish president Andrzej Duda took part, writing and rapping his much memed, somehwat headscratcher „nie pytają cię o imię, walczą z ostrym cieniem mgły”, meaning “they don’t ask for your name, they fight the sharp shadow of fog”. Other politicians took part, including some more controversial ones.
I was challenged by another Asian American friend who was then based in Poland. If you were challenged, you had three days to write and perform 16 bars of rap. I’m not good with musical theory, so I ended up writing a whole song and performing it. Another Polish friend helped me with some of my questions about grammar and word usage, but other than that I mostly sat down one afternoon to write it, and then performed and recorded it the next day.
It’s slightly cringe IMO but my friends have told me it’s not too bad. As of writing this blog, I’m just sharing it because I don’t have anything on my “languages” section of my blog and since languages are my passion, this is unacceptable. So without further ado, please enjoy my hot16challenge2: